SAVE THE DATE! The 26th Annual Fall Into Books will be held on Thursday, October 23, 2025, at The Venue in Kingston, NY. More information will be coming soon.

Held annually, Fall Into Books brings together school and public librarians from eight counties within the Hudson Valley for a day of literacy, discussion, networking, and insight. This collaborative event features book discussion sessions (ranging from picture books to young adult), a morning speaker, a keynote author presentation, a book sale, and catered breakfast and lunch. This conference provides an excellent opportunity for attendees to engage in collaborative discussions on children’s and teen literature. Library workers and educators of all types are welcome.

Conference Outcomes:

  • Engage effectively in collaborative discussions.
  • Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics in order to build knowledge or to compare the approaches the authors take.
  • Assess how point of view or purpose shapes the content and style of a text.
  • Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.
  • Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas.
  • Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the course of a text.

Agenda (subject to change)

Doors open at approximately 8:30 am for breakfast & networking
9:00 am – 10:00 am: Morning speaker
10:10 am – 11:10 am: Book Discussion Groups: 1st session
11:10 am – 11:25 am: Book Sales and Break
11:25 am – 12:25 pm: Book Discussion Groups: 2nd Session
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm: Lunch and book sales
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm: Author Presentation
2:30 pm: Closing

Registration closes one month before the event

Book discussions:

Fine print

  • In order to ensure the most rewarding exchange of ideas, participants are expected to read all of their pre-assigned titles.
  • Confirmation of group assignments will be e-mailed upon receipt of payment.
  • Participants can purchase books within the registration site, on-site prices will be higher, and all titles may not be available.
  • NOTE: You are not registered until you have received an email confirmation. If you have yet to receive an email confirmation, public librarians should contact RCLS or MHLS; school librarians and other educators, contact your respective school library system.
  • Lunch will be provided to all attendees
  • To pay by purchase order, select “pay by check” and follow the instructions to mail payment to Southeastern NY Library Resources Council.

Questions? Call your library system office.